Strike your company off for only €195 plus Vat and CRO fees!!!Are you the company's*Director/OwnerAgent (e.g. Accountant/Solicitor)OtherAgent Name*Name of Agent Firm*Address of Agent Firm*Name* First Last Email* Contact Number incl. Area Code*Name of Limited Company*Previous name of Limited Company (if changed within last 12 months)*Registered "trading-as" business name(s) (if any)*Other trading names used in last 12 months (if any)*Registered office*Former registered office (if changed within last 12 months)*Principal place of business (if different to current registered office)*Company registration number*Tax registered number (if applicable)*Has this company ever traded?*YesNoWas the company in receipt of any income whatsoever?YesNoWhat date did it cease to trade?* Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY Are you authorised to order the strike-off on behalf of the above company?*YesAre the company’s total assets and/or total liabilities in excess of €150?*NoHave all tax-related matters been concluded with Revenue?*YesNoNot sureAre the CRO annual returns of the above company up to date?*YesNoNot sureAre any of the company's officers or beneficial owners a Politically-Exposed Person (PEP)?*YesNoIf you answered Yes to the question above, please provide further details:Name of person ordering Strike-off (This person must be a company director)*Consent* I have read and agree to the Terms and ConditionsNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Click here to view strike-off procedure terms & conditions (Updated November 2022)